Development and Interpretation of the Concept of Probability
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principle of indifference
Bertrand's paradox

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Development and Interpretation of the Concept of Probability. (2024). Teorie vědy Theory of Science, 46(1), 61-87.


Considerations related to randomness appear relatively late in European history, at the turn of the Middle Ages and the modern era. They initially concern to the chances of winning in various games or situations and later move on to introduce classical and geometric probabilities. From a mathematical point of view, the probability calculus is completed by Kolmogorov’s axiomatic theory. However, many open questions, problems and paradoxes remain in the way probability is perceived and interpreted. The four main directions in the concept of probability (logical, frequentist, subjective and propensity) are closely related to the way of perceiving randomness (epistemological or ontological). Reflections on the evolution of the perception of randomness and the interpretation of probability bring the ability to navigate the basic principles and findings of science and contributes to a deeper understanding of the entire issue.
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