Eliminative Materialism, Folk Psychology and the Language of Thought
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eliminative materialism
folk psychology
language of thought

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Eliminative Materialism, Folk Psychology and the Language of Thought. (2020). Teorie vědy Theory of Science, 42(2), 253-284. https://doi.org/10.46938/tv.2020.485


The article provides an analysis of Paul and Patricia Churchland’s eliminative materialism. I will distinguish two lines of argument in their eliminativism: one seeking to eliminate folk psychology and the second criticising Jerry Fodor’s language of thought hypothesis. Then I will closely examine the second line of argument, and show that it represents the main motive of Churchland’s work since the end of 1980s and demonstrate why the success of the argument against the language of thought hypothesis does not constitute a reason for the elimination of folk psychology. Finally, I will examine the consequences of this approach for the role of folk psychology in the study of mind and show that the weakened eliminativist position still fulfils the original aim of Churchland’s program.
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