Karl Popper and the Connection Between Scientific Methodology and Democracy
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Karl Popper
politická teorie
metodologie vědy

How to Cite

Karl Popper and the Connection Between Scientific Methodology and Democracy. (2013). Teorie vědy Theory of Science, 34(4), 439-467. https://doi.org/10.46938/tv.2012.131


This article explores man- ner by which Karl Popper sees rela- tion between scientific method and democracy. This connection is one of the foundations of Popper's thought. For adequate understanding it is necessery to put Popper in historical context within developement of lib- eral thought and show possible links between his and Schumpeter's re- definition of democracy. Main point, however, is interpretation of basic Popper's epistemological presump- tions - concept of temporality of sci- entific knowledge and ratio negativa. Primary aim of the article is contex- tualization of these presumptions with their sociological a politological consequenses. Those can be seen not only in Popper's refusal of positiv- ism and esentialism, but also if his preference of electoral and party sys- tems. At the end, concepts of critical rationalism, values and open society si elaborated according to possible objections to Popper's theory.

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